At Anthropos we believe we are all connected to each other through our common journey of learning to love ourselves and others

(925) 449-7925
326 South L. Street
Livermore, CA 94550
Issue Help
Depression can take a variety of forms, some more severe than others. Sometimes depression can result from difficulty coping with stressful life experiences, which we call situational depression. You may also have experienced a life-long struggle with depression due to an inherited family history or a response to childhood trauma or abuse. We all go through periods of sadness in response to life’s ups and downs, but depression is much more than just sadness. Depression, as opposed to sadness, is difficult to shake on your own and often interferes with your ability to function and enjoy life. Take a moment and read further to see if you may be depressed. Anthropos is here to support you or someone you care about who may be struggling with depression.
Common Signs and Symptoms:
- Feelings of sadness or emptiness
- Loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities
- Dramatic appetite or weight changes
- Sleep changes
- Irritability or restlessness
- Loss of energy or feeling overly fatigued nearly every day
- Self-loathing and feelings of worthlessness
- Becoming withdrawn or isolated
- Difficulty focusing, making decisions, remembering things
- Recurring thoughts about hurting yourself, or suicide
Types of Depression:
- Major Depression – can be only one episode or recurring episodes
- Dysthymia – ongoing, recurrent mild depression
- Bipolar – periods of depression mixed with periods of mania/euphoria
- Seasonal Affective – depression that occurs in the fall and winter
- Situational – occurs in conjunction with a major life stressor(s)

Suggested Reading:
Mind Over Mood, Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, David D. Burns
The Feeling Good Handbook, David D. Burns
The Self-Esteem Workbook, Glenn R. Schiraldi
Self-Esteem, Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning
The Depression Cure, Stephen S. Ilardi
Overcoming Depression, DemitriPapolos
I Don’t Want to Talk About It, Terrence Real (specifically for men)
The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, David J. Miklowitz
Links and Resources:
Bipolar Disorder News –
Bipolar Disorder – National Institute of Mental Health
Depression and How Therapy Can Help
Depression – National Institute of Mental Health
Understanding Depression
Depressive Symptomology Test
Goldberg Depression Questionnaire
Anxiety, in and of itself, is a normal response to stressful situations or periods when we’re under pressure. When we feel threatened in some way, our body’s natural response is to produce adrenaline as a way of preparing us emotionally and physically to address the threat. Sometimes our body’s natural response to stress crosses the line from normal anxiety and instead becomes constant, overwhelming and begins to interfere with our activities and relationships. The way we express our anxiety can show up in a variety of ways that get in our way of living fulfilling lives. When our anxiety has reached an uncontrollable state, we can begin to feel lonely, isolated and helpless. Take a moment and read further about the types of anxiety that can interfere with normal living. You may not have all but some of the signs and symptoms listed below as these refer to a number of different anxiety types. Whatever form your anxiety takes, Anthropos is here to support you or someone you care about who may be struggling with intrusive anxiety.
Common Signs and Symptoms:
- Excessive fear and worry
- Feeling tense, jumpy, irritable
- Restlessness
- Anticipating the worst
- Fear of embarrassment or humiliation
- Pounding heart which could accompany overwhelming panic
- Stomach upset, nausea or stomach cramps
- Shortness of breath, trouble breathing or a choking sensation
- Sweating, hot flashes or chills
- Insomnia
Types Of Anxiety:
- Generalized Anxiety – constant, persistent worry or fear
- Obsessive-Compulsive – uncontrollable and unwanted thought/behaviors
- Panic Attacks – intense panic or fear that occurs without warning
- Phobias – excessive fear of a specific object, activity or situation
- Post-Traumatic Stress – comes in the aftermath of a traumatic event
- Social Anxiety – fear of others viewing you negatively or public humiliation

Suggesteed Reading:
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, David D. Burns
The Feeling Good Handbook, David D. Burns
When Anxiety Attacks, David D. Burns
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, Edmund J. Bourne
The OCD Workbook, M. Hyman and Cherry Pedrick (obsessive/compulsive beh.)
Stop Obsessing, Edna B. Foa and Reid Wilson
The Panic Attacks Workbook, David Carbonell
Waking the Tiger, Peter Levine (the effects of trauma on the mind/body)
I Can’t Get Over It, Aphrodite Matsakis
The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook, Glenn R. Schiraldi
Growing Beyond Survival, Elizabeth G. Vermilyea
Resource Links:
Answers to Your Questions about Panic Disorder
National Center for PTSD
Obsessive Compulsive Information Center
Types of Anxiety – National Institute of Mental Health
Understanding Anxiety Disorders
Specific Tests for Different Types of Anxiety:
Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
One of the most common ways people participate in therapy and is a highly effective way to bring about growth and change
Couples Counseling
Provides support to two individuals striving to create a strong intimate relationship & promotes personal growth through mutual growth
Child Counseling
Play therapy helps a child learns to communicate, express feelings, change behavior, develop skills and learn new ways of relating
Adolescent Counseling
The teen years can be difficult for both the adolescent and their caretakers. Adolescents begin to form the identity that will define them for a lifetime
Family Counseling
Designed to identify family dynamics, interactions, and patterns that prevent the collective growth and harmony of the family system
Hours and Rates
The first step in making an appointment for counseling services at Anthropos starts with an email or a phone call letting us know who you are and how to reach you